819 762-5599
To access health and psychological services by doctors, nurses, social workers, etc.
For what reasons?
- Get information and be screened for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs);
- Get information or help regarding sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression;
- Get information or help regarding homophobia and transphobia;
For whom?
- Everyone
819 762-5599 ext. 45062
Walk-in clinic free and confidential for youth aged from 12 to 24 years old.
For what reasons?
- Pregnancy test;
- Beginning of contraception;
- Screening for STBBIs
- Answers to questions about sexual health, drugs, diet, etc.
- Also offers social services for questions or help on:
- Romantic relationships
- Family relationships
- Friends’ relationships
- Personal esteem
- Sexual orientation
- Financial problems
- Stress management
For whom?
- Youth aged from 12 to 24 years old
819 762-5599
Support group offered by a social worker and a nurse, one evening a month.
For what reasons?
- Break out the isolation
- Be helped in the affirmation process;
- Develop a sense of belonging;
- Improve our lives and those of others living a similar reality.
For whom?
- Youth aged from 12 to 24 years old
- Youth who think they are gay, lesbian or bisexual;
- Youth who have questions about their sexual orientation or gender identity.
La Source
Pavillon L’Élan
For what reasons?
- Get help when we are bullied or harassed due to sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender expression;
- When people call us fag, dyke, gay, lesbian, etc. once or several times;
- Get help if we have questions about our sexual orientation, sexual identity or about sexuality in general.
By whom?
- Psychoeducator;
- Social worker;
- Specialized educator;
- Supervisors;
- Teachers;
- Principal of the school;
- Etc.
For what reasons?
- Get help when we are bullied or harassed due to sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender expression;
- When people call us fag, dyke, gay, lesbian, etc. once or several times;
- Get help if we have questions about our sexual orientation, sexual identity or about sexuality in general.
By whom?
- Psychoeducator;
- Social worker;
- Teachers;
- Principal of the school.
For what reasons?
- Get help when we are bullied or harassed due to sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender expression;
- When people call us fag, dyke, gay, lesbian, etc. once or several times;
- Get help if we have questions about our sexual orientation, sexual identity or about sexuality in general.
By whom?
- Psychoeducator;
- Social worker;
- Specialized educator;
- Supervisors;
- Teachers;
- Principal of the school;
- Etc.
For what reasons?
- Have access to psychosocial help services;
- To express difficulties (stress, questioning, sexual orientation, sexual identity, etc.);
- Have access to health services;
- Screening for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs), etc.
By whom?
- Social worker;
- Nurses
For whom?
- For all CEGEP students.
For what reasons?
- Have access to psychosocial help services;
- To express difficulties (stress, questioning, sexual orientation, sexual identity, etc.);
By whom?
- Danielle Bordeleau, social worker
For whom?
- For all university students.
Marie-Michèle Aubertin : 819 277-0836
Catherine Jutras : 819 277-4775
Toll-free number: 1 877-355-6510
For what reasons?
- Listening, reference, and possible solutions;
- Prevention, awareness, information (STBBI, drug addiction, suicide, violence, etc.);
- Support;
- Distribution of prevention material (condoms, injection kits, crack pipe, straws, etc.)
- Distribution of documentation.
To whom?
- Youth between the ages of 12 to 25 years
819 825-6377 or toll free : 1 866 775-6377
For what reasons?
- The basic philosophy of Liaison-Justice is prevention, reparation for wrongs, settlement of disputes and the maintenance of partnerships with judicial social actors and communities while taking account of their realities.
For whom?
- Everyone
819 759-4819 or 819 759-4194
For what reasons?
- Preventive activities;
- Support, help and listening.
For whom?
- Youth aged from 12 to 17 years
Call (819) 277-0836
For what reasons?
- Work to improve the living conditions of youth. Work collaboratively with different resources according to the objectives of the “Street Work” measure;
- Arrimage Jeunesse has two street workers deserving the Rouyn-Noranda territory;
- They frequent your environment, want to know you better by offering you listening and support;
- They frequent your environment, want to know you better by offering you listening and support;
- They refer to the different organizations you may need;
- They support you in the realization of your projects;
- They answer your questions about drugs, sexuality, STBBIs, HIV, hepatitis and more.
819 764-5099 or 819 764-4111
For what reasons?
- Information and awareness;
- Support to relative and bereaved;
- Individual and group support.
For whom?
- Suicidal person;
- Close bereaved.
819 797-0101 or 819 797-0102
For what reasons?
- Support for victims of sexual assault;
- Prevention activities.
For whom?
- Women and teenage girls.
819 762-3682 819 762-0028
For what reasons?
- Preventive activities (alcohol / drug, STI, suicide, educational, socio-cultural and artistic);
- Social involvement, active listening and support offered to youth by facilitators.
For whom?
- Everyone
(819) 797-5599 or 1 866 LE CAVAC (1 866 532 2822)
For what reasons?
- CAVACs offer front line, free and confidential services. CAVAC’s action aims to equip victims of crime with tools that will allow them to recover their well-being as quickly as possible. The forms of assistance available in CAVACs are:
For whom?
- Anyone who has been a victim of a crime committed in Quebec
For what reasons?
- Maintaining peace and public order, preserving life, protecting people’s fundamental rights and protecting their property is the mission of the Surete du Quebec as a national police force. The Surete du Quebec also supports the police community, coordinates large-scale police operations, contributes to the integrity of state institutions and ensures the safety of Quebec’s transportation networks.
For whom?
- Everyone